Michael Bayliss from post Growth Australia recently spoke to Murray about our organic and regeneratives practices and how we got to be carbon negative.
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The non-cutting of the cord
The Lelebirds are coming Sunday 6 November 4pm
Cheers to the new King!
He’s our favourite dog - well, he’s our only dog - but will Merlot make Top Dog in the WineJobs competition? There are two categories, overall winner and people’s favourite. You can vote in the people’s favourite…
Last week’s Western Australian Wine Show (the only wine show that is focussed only on WA) brought us some great news. The Oranje Tractor 2017 Riesling not only took out a Gold medal, but won the trophy for the Best Aged Riesling of the show for 2021. We’re thrilled, of course but only a little surprised because the last time (2008) we entered an aged Riesling into the WA Wine Show, it also took out a Gold and the same Trophy - the Pam McGregor Trophy….